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Nivo Slider display malfunctioning

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  don0don 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • #3234


    I have successfully installed activated StartUp Pro and the provided plugins. I enabled and set up Nivo Slioder following the directions precisely. However, the slider is not displaying correctly. The slides appear in two places: one is shoved completely up into the top left corner of the browser window and is then repeated, centered within the page margins, some ways down the page. The remainder of the page content is shoved way down and you have to scroll down quite a ways to see it.

    I have not altered the header.php at all and this is a new installation of Wordress, the StartUp Pro theme and Nivo Slider. I have tried displaying all other plugins except Nivo Slider — the problem persists.

    The site is installed on a subdomain of my existing website. you can view it—and the problem—here:

    Thanks for your help.



    Wordpress is version 4.8
    Plesk is version 5.3.3
    Nivo Slider is version 2.5.1

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