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Logo Size

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This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  StartupWP 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    I’m puzzled (obviously). I have created a logo the size I need to fit into my banner (125px high and am inserting it via the Appearance – Startup Options – Logo Image URL. but the images displays larger, and I have no idea why:

    Help, please!!




    And while I’m asking — I also have not been able to move the #site-description over so it’ll show to the right of the logo:


    #site-description{font-size:112.50%;color:#777; margin-left:650px; margin-top:50px;}


    and I realize, as I increase the margin-left, it actually increased the size of the logo.

    Now I’m REALLY confused….



    Perfect – thank you so much for the speedy response. inherit fixed the logo size problem I had.

    Still not sure about site-description – I only see that when I hide the logo.



    For the description, give this a try:

    #site-description {
      color: #777777;
      float: right;
      font-size: 112.5%;
      margin-left: 0;
      margin-top: -115px;


    I also am having trouble with the logo size. I am developing my wordpress site offline using MAMP. The logo that I want to use is a simple 150×150 jpg image. (I’ve also tried a .bmp image with the same problem). I tried adding the #logo { width: inherit; } under the custom CSS line in the startuppro options, and saved the options, but nothing changed. The CSS syle sheet that can be viewed, still says #logo{width:100%}. If I uncheck that box using firefox’s inspect element mode, then the logo seems to be proper size, although it covers up the name of the site and only shows the tagline beneath it.

    I am currently using wordpress v 3.7.

    Any help would be appreciated



    Well, I feel silly. I figured out my problem. I didn’t enable the checkbox of use custom CSS under the startupPro options.

    But I do have another problem now. I’ve enabled “single post sharing” option, but do not see an icon for the facebook like. I see tweet and +1 icons, but no facebook icon. Am I missing something?




    Can you share the link to one of your posts please.



    My site is completely offline right now. I’m using MAMP on my mac. I would attach a screen shot but is there a way to attach a screenshot from my computer?

    Essentially, the twitter button is on the left, the google+ button is on the right, but there is a blank space in between them with no facebook ‘like’ button.



    You can always upload screens to services like and then just share the image URL, but it might not help in this case. It could, but we’ll probably need something live to see/test.

    Assuming you already have hosting and a domain, can you setup a test area online?



    Sorry my response has been so long in coming. I don’t know what I did, but I don’t see any of the buttons (like, tweet, +1) in single post view now. I am using the default template for my posts.

    Here is a link for the post.



    Double-check that “Single Post Sharing” is checked in your theme options.



    Yes, it is. That’s actually where I started. It seems that since I played with the different post styles after originally posting, it took away the sharing buttons and I can’t get them back, even if I revert back to default template as the post style. I even posted another test post to see if it would work, and made sure single post sharing is checked, but to no avail.



    By “played with the different post styles” what do you mean? Child theme PHP/HTML hacks or just CSS styles?



    When you go to publish a new post, in the lower right hand corner there are different post templates in a drop down menu. I have mine set to “default template” although I have tried all the other options as well.



    I think I may have figured out what my problem was. I had forgotten that I put this code: #logo{width:inherit;} .entry-meta, .entry-footer{display:none} in the custom CSS area. One was to adjust my logo size, and the other “.entry” ones were to remove all the tags and categories from the post footer. However, that also took away the social sharing buttons.

    Is there a way that i can keep the buttons, but remove the lines that say “This article was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments with the RSS feed for this post.Post a Comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.”



    Unfortunately, no. For now this will require a manual hack via child theming.

    If you’d like to proceed, you’ll need to first setup a child theme:

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