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Customization (My Website)

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This topic contains 100 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  StartupWP 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1008


    1. Update your h1 style to include display like so:

    .single .entry-title {
      display: block;
      line-height: 30px;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
      margin-top: 12px;
      text-align: left;

    2. Use:

    .single .entry-title a {
      color: #DBB84D;
      cursor: text !important;
      text-decoration: none !important;

    3. Use:

    .post-to-page-readmore {
      float: right;
      margin: -19px 160px 0 0;
      padding-left: 0;

    4. Might be better just to remove by adding:

    .post-to-page-wrapper {
      border-bottom: 0 none;


    Hello StartupWP,

    Is it available to ask for your advise regarding the plugin ? At first, I install a “Comments” plugin and later I remove it. However, when I view my site, I still can see the comment form at the end of my post, I have tried to clear cache …. but still not working at all.




    Hello StartupWP,

    As for the above request, I have resolved it.




    Hello StartupWP,

    1. Sorry, still looks fine, perhaps you were able to permanently resolve? Might be a browser-specific issue, please provide a screenshot if it’s still an issue.

    Actually, I have resolved it. However, after I insert some shortcode, everything back to the beginning again. So please refer to this screenshot ?

    2. From Dashboard => Posts => Discussion => Allow comment is ticked, there is “Post a Comment” appears at the end of each post, right ? Nothing to do with the plugin, right ? This is the url

    If that is the case, may I know how to change :

    a) “Post a Comment” to “Leave a Comment” ?
    b) “Your email is kept private. Required fields are marked * ” to the custom sentence I want to insert ?
    c) The asterisk * into red in color ?

    Is it available to allow users to see how their comment will appear on the site as they type it ?




    Can I continue my question to no 3)….?

    3) Is it available to add comment count in the post just beside the comment icon ?

    4) Is it available to link the comment-count in post to the page when the comment is on ?




    For comments, other than the info provided here ( there isn’t much more we can advise. Looks like you’ve resolved though.

    1. The divider looks good, suspect you’ve now completely resolved?

    2. Correct, what you just described for comments is native to WordPress core and the theme, not a plugin.

    2a. Simply copy over comments.php to your child theme and make the changes.

    2b. Same as 2a.

    2c. Simply wrap the asterisk like so: <span style="color:#CC0000">*</span>

    For live comment preview, you could try this plugin:

    3-4. We’ll get back to you on these.




    Hello StartupWP,

    Thank you so much. However, I am quite confused with those coding.

    For item no 2a), b) and c), I have made a little bit changes in comments.php as you can see from my site.

    1. How to adjust the spacing gap for “Leave a Comment” to be further a bit from “Do you have a………….” ?

    2. How to adjust the spacing gap for “Do you have a……” to be further a bit from ” Name * ” ?

    3. How to alignment “Do you have a…….” to be one single line and “Required fields….” to be another single line ?

    4. How to change the font “Do you have a……………..” ?

    5. As you have mentioned Simply wrap the asterisk like so: <span style=”color:#CC0000″>*</span>

    I have to insert them to comments.php, right ?

    For previous email item no 3) and 4), 3-4. Please reference:

    6. I have to insert them after <?php if ( comments_open( , right ?




    Apologised, as I missed out one more question:

    7. I do not want to “Logged in as xxxxx. Log out?” to view the comment form. Is it available to remove it ?

    Thanks again.



    1. Use:

    #respond h3 {
      margin-bottom: 10px;

    2. Use:

    .comment-form-author {
      margin: 10px 0 20px;

    3. Looks like you’ve edited comments.php in order to add that extra text so you can use <br /> tags for carriage returns.

    4. Use:

    #commentform {
      font-family: arial;

    5. Actually, just use:

    .required {
      color: #CC0000;

    6. Try before and after that line.

    7. Use:

    .logged-in-as {
      display: none;

    Have you been using Firebug?



    Hello StartupWP,

    Thank you so much. I have just installed the Firebug and it’s ready useful to me.

    By the way, there are some I’m uable to figure out:

    Refer to,

    1. I have inserted the code to comments.php

    <div id=”comment-count” class=”comment-count”>
    <?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
    <?php $comment_count = get_comment_count();
    if ( comments_open() || $comment_count[‘approved’] > 0 ) : comments_number(‘0 comments’,’1 comment’,’% comments’);
    if ( !comments_open() ) : ?> (comments are closed)<?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Yes, the comment_count appear just above the reply title “Leave a Comment”. Is it possible to move this to the top of the post just beside comment icon ?

    2. I would like to have a line drawn above the reply title “Leave a Comment” ?

    3. I would like to adjust the comment sentence margin which exceeded ?

    4. I have insert an arrowdown icon just beside “Reply” text, but I want to remove the underline and cursor text from the icon ?

    5. By using the google chrome and IE to view my site, I notice some fonts, alignment and so on, are quite different, is it able to fix it ?




    1. You actually should only need this line to add to other templates than comments.php:

    <span class="comments-link"><?php comments_popup_link( __( 'Leave a Comment', 'startup' ), __( '1 Comment', 'startup' ), __( '% Comments', 'startup' ) ); ?></span>

    Not exactly sure where/how you want to add it though, you may want to experiment.

    2. Try:

    #comments-list, .comment-link {
      border-top: 2px solid #CCCCCC;

    3. Try:

    .single-format-standard #content {
      width: 98%;

    4. Update to:

    .comment-reply-link {
      color: #9A9A9A;
      font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;
      font-size: 12px;
      margin-bottom: 20px;
      margin-top: 40px;
      text-decoration: none;

    5. We’ll need a lot more specifics than that.



    Refer to the topic no 5,

    We’ll need a lot more specifics than that.

    Their difference from IE and Google :

    a) Fonts show in navigation bar and footer
    b) Text alignment show in store page
    c) Border-bottom alignment (sidebar) show in contact us page
    d) “0 Comments” show in all pages
    e) “Post Comment” button show in all post pages

    My new question :

    1. From all pages, the “0 Comments” are cursor: pointer, but how to set them clickable and able to link to comment form ?
    2. From live comment preview, how to change the pencil icon to unclickable, I have inserted this cursor:text !important, but it seems not working at all ?
    3. How to make “Your comment is awaiting moderation” flickering/blinking ?
    4. My demo slider has suddenly missing, I have tried to reload and reset them but it doesn’t appear on the homepage ?




    IE Issues – What version of IE are we discussing?

    1. Wrap the comment count code with:

    <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>#respond"> ... </a>

    2. Try cursor:default instead.

    3. You would use something like:

    .unapproved {
      text-decoration: blink;

    But, besides strongly recommending that you don’t use this style (as it annoys most), it’s been deprecated (out-dated) anyways.

    You might do something like the following instead:

    .unapproved {
      border: 5px solid #FF0000;
      color: #333333;
      display: block;
      font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;
      font-style: italic;
      font-weight: normal;
      padding: 10px;

    4. The Universal Slider checkbox is checked?



    Refer to the last topic,

    IE Issues – What version of IE are we discussing?

    It’s Internet Explorer 10.

    1. Wrap the comment count code with:

    #respond”> …

    You mean I need to insert this code to the Posts-To-Page plugin…? (I have tried to insert them to the entry-content.php, as it appears in the post, but not page).

    2.Try cursor:default instead.

    I tried to use this style, but still the same not working at all. So I use pointer-events: none, and just nice it’s working. However, it shows cursor arrow, not cursor text. I placed two styles together (pointer-events: none; cursor: default !important;) or (pointer-events: none; cursor: text !important;), still cursor arrow ?




    Here’s what we’re seeing in IE10:

    Make sure to eliminate compatibility view as being the problem:

    1. Wherever you manually placed the comment count code, wrap it with a link.

    2. Not sure then, sounds like you’ve tried just about everything practical already.




    1. Wherever you manually placed the comment count code, wrap it with a link.

    I have wrapped with :

    <div id=”comment-count”>
    ID); ?>#respond” title=”Comment on ‘.$post->post_title.'”><?php comments_number(‘0 Comments’, ‘1 Comment’, ‘% Comments’, ‘number’); ?>

    Yes, I can see the comment count appear on each page and it’s clickable but it’s not link. I have tried a few of them, but still not link. So is there anything missing within the code ?

    Thank you in advance.



    Hmm, apologies, it’s become a bit confusing, this one.

    What files are you editing for this specific customization?

    Also, looks like your code got cut short, please go ahead and use:




    I am trying to make the comment count code to appear on the page, clickable and link to the comments form (from the post) once clicked. So I tried to insert the code to the page.php just after this
    line: <?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>

    <div id=”comment-count”>
    ID); ?>#respond” title=”Comment on ‘.$post->post_title.'”><?php comments_number(‘0 Comments’, ‘1 Comment’, ‘% Comments’, ‘number’); ?>

    Thank you in advance.



    Apologies, I am trying to use

    <?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>
    <div id=”comment-count”>
    ID); ?>#respond” title=”Comment on ‘.$post->post_title.'”><?php comments_number(‘0 Comments’, ‘1 Comment’, ‘% Comments’, ‘number’); ?>




    Apologies, now I’m using the screenshot since unable to list out by using




    As much as we absolutely hate saying this, we really do!

    You may want to hire a web pro to assist with some of your customizations as the support process just isn’t practical for everything.



    Hello StartupWP,

    It’s very sad to hear that. Anyway, thanks for your guidance and patience all this while, and also I have learnt a lot from your professional advise.

    Thanks again.



    We wish we could solve them all, but it’s just not practical :(.

    Please, keep in mind that you’re of course welcome to still post other support requests here in the forum, we’ve just hit a wall on this particular issue.





    How can I

    1. Limit the number of post to 7 post on the front page and the subsequent posts on page 2, 3, 4 etc.
    2. Is there any way my posts can be restricted to 20 lines, with a Continue Reading button to open the complete post.


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