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Hello StartupWP,

Thank you so much. I have just installed the Firebug and it’s ready useful to me.

By the way, there are some I’m uable to figure out:

Refer to,

1. I have inserted the code to comments.php

<div id=”comment-count” class=”comment-count”>
<?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
<?php $comment_count = get_comment_count();
if ( comments_open() || $comment_count[‘approved’] > 0 ) : comments_number(‘0 comments’,’1 comment’,’% comments’);
if ( !comments_open() ) : ?> (comments are closed)<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Yes, the comment_count appear just above the reply title “Leave a Comment”. Is it possible to move this to the top of the post just beside comment icon ?

2. I would like to have a line drawn above the reply title “Leave a Comment” ?

3. I would like to adjust the comment sentence margin which exceeded ?

4. I have insert an arrowdown icon just beside “Reply” text, but I want to remove the underline and cursor text from the icon ?

5. By using the google chrome and IE to view my site, I notice some fonts, alignment and so on, are quite different, is it able to fix it ?
