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Footer menu bar

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  StartupWP 3 years ago.

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  • #2464


    How do I add a colored menu bar to my footer menu I’ve tried many suggestions from this board but nothing.
    In options I have turned on CSS and used nav color but nothing happens. I have seen this same theme used by others
    and they have a menu bar in the footer menu is there any help.



    What exactly did you have in mind for the footer menu, colors, full menu nav or just tabbed buttons, etc.? Also, please share the link to your site.



    Hello. I also want to add footers. I think I can do it through widgets, but I’m not certain how to do it so when someone clicks on a tab in the footer it links to a page…ie privacy policy, contact info..
    Thank you!



    Apologies for the huge gap in support. Support will now continue again on a daily basis. If you’re still here with us and are having this problem, let us know.

    Thank you.

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