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10 Steps to Start Your Own Business

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  StartupWP 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    1. Figure out what service or product you would like to provide.

    2. Come up with a logical and unique name based on that service or product. Dictionary / Thesaurus

    3. Register and license it. We recommend LegalZoom (Signup for an LLC [most popular]). For your business license we recommend Business Licenses LLC. Both companies will be very helpful in assisting you in all areas of your business, proper paperwork, filing, fees, taxes etc. Much more affordable and quicker to do it online than hire an accountant and attorney.

    4. Register for a website domain and hosting. We recommend BlueHost.

    5. Install WordPress. WordPress is the most popular and easiest way to build and manage a website.

    6. Install a WordPress theme. We recommend StartupPro.

    7. Customize your theme to better fit your brand’s image. This may include having a logo designed and/or hiring a web pro to design an overall custom look.

    8. Find a suitable shopping cart and way to receive payment. We recommend Sellwire (for digital products) or WP e-Commerce (for tangible products) for your shopping cart needs. We highly recommend PayPal (either Premiere or Business) for receiving payments.

    9. Configure your content and products, menu, pages, way for customers to contact you for support and so on.

    10. SEO & Marketing. You have to advertise your business in order for people to find it and purchase whatever it is you’re offering. We recommend this guide.

    For certain, this and any other list you will likely find is a bit over-simplified. Depending on what it is you’re looking to offer people your business could be anywhere from simple and relatively low cost and risk to get setup to very complex, require investors and high risk and overhead to maintain. We’ll be here in the forum to do our best to provide advice, recommendations and solutions for all your web-related business needs. However, please understand that we’re not professional lawyers or accountants and do not claim to be. This list is meant to be a helpful guideline. Thank You

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