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1. Use:

nav ul li:hover ul li a, nav ul ul li:hover ul li a, nav ul ul ul li:hover ul li a {
  border: 0 none;
  opacity: 1;

2. Currently the text you’ve added looks something like:

<em>Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments or messages. </em>
<em>We’ll                                                                                         </em>
<em>try to repond to everything!</em>

Edit “Contact Us” under Pages and then switch to the Text/HTML editor and make that:

<em>Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments or messages.
We’ll try to repond to everything!</em>

The Visual editor is unreliable and messes things up just like this.

3. For bullets, try:

#menu-my-list-of-categories li {
  list-style: disc outside none;